Inside the Mind of an Acquirer
“Robert Glazer sold his business called Acceleration Partners and then began acquiring businesses. He shares what he looks for in a business deal. Thoughts on what is needed to get your business ready to sell, to common errors business owners make,” shares Sam Thompson a Minneapolis business broker and the president of M&A firm Transitions In Business.
Robert Glazer started an affiliate marketing agency called Acceleration Partners in 2007. Glazer never took outside capital and grew Acceleration to almost $28 million in sales before he sold a majority interest to Mountain Gate Capital in 2020.
This is the second installment of a two-part interview with Glazer (grab part one here). In this episode, we ask him to wear his acquirer’s hat. Glazer has spoken with more than one hundred owners in the last couple of years and speaks passionately about the “unforced errors” owners make when negotiating with an acquirer.
Specifically, you’ll learn how to:
- Know the “market-clearing” values in your industry.
- Decipher between interest and value.
- Present your financials to a buyer.
- How not to answer the question, “how much do you want for your business?”.
- Avoid the “Annie Syndrome”.
- Create competition for your business.